All the Lyrics published in Song2sing2day are based on the Lyrics of a movie song. There is no imitation / Criticism / related entertained in this Process.

About Song2sing2day

Song2sing2day is an upcoming website with all kinds of Telugu songs in the Phonetic English Language. Great Legendre such as Singers, Musicians, Actors, Lyricists, etc... song’s Lyrics is well displayed in Song2sing2day. Categories like Melody, Classic, Humming, Rocking, Heart Touching, Soothing, Romantic, Love Failure, Bytes, Folk, etc... are gathered at one go. Different Lyrics categories are chosen which makes you visit this website for more Lyrics. Most of the websites show a few category of songs published on their corresponding websites. But, Song2sing2day has also included more special category Lyrics such as Tragedy, Comedy, Bonding, Wedding, Item, Albums etc...
Few Scenarios like how to learn a song..., how to practice a song..., how to give good performances..., made us think. So, we have come across these points as every person might face. This is how we started developing Song2sing2day which helps how to learn or practice more movie songs in a better manner. Here we provide our best reasons as for how to become a good singer or why to visit Song2sing2day.
Don’t miss even a single chance which makes you a Singer .
It happens only when you practice singing with soul and feel.
This happens with Song2sing2day
People participate in Singing Competitions must visit this website to get accurate Song Lyrics with all background Chorus voices covered. This helps in Good scoring while giving performances. Practicing Lyrics from this website makes you more flexible and feel the song completely. Song Lyrics are easy and understandable.